Start Here: Before You Visit
Welcome to our home and working farm. A few notes before you come shopping at our Farmer's Market :
- It takes about 20 min from southeast Lincoln to get to the farm.
- Directions can be found on Google Maps. Search: The Little Red Farm
- Guest Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Saturday 10am-Noon --- Tuesday & Thursday 4pm-6:30PM

- Early arrivals are not allowed, must wait off property and remain in their vehicles.
- No outside animals of any kind allowed, nope, not even in your vehicle. We have livestock guardian dogs on property and your animal will be considered a threat to dispatch by our guardians. Leave your dogs and all other pets at home. This is a working farm, for biosecurity and liability reasons, guest's pets are not allowed under any circumstance.
- Parking is on the gravel in front of the brick garage and white wooden building. The circle drive is for pulling around only, not for parking.
- During your visit, you are a guest customer. The expectation is that you will make a purchase in our Farmers Market Shop to support our farm.
- We do not have public restrooms so plan accordingly.
- All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times, no exceptions.
- We prefer cash but also accept card payment in our Farmers Market Shop.
- The Little Red Farm may take photos or videos. We share these on social media. Please feel free to tag us in any photos or videos you want to share from The Little Red Farm.
- Please wear footwear that can get dirty...this is a farm after all!
These are the guidelines every guest must follow to keep our guests safe, preserve the sanctity of our home, and the health and well-being of our animals:

- Do not feed any of the animals. The only exception to this is feeding the chickens with the treats provided by us on Barnyard Story Time days.
- Buildings and animal areas are strictly off limits. Do not open doors or touch equipment. Work areas are not open to guests for your safety and ours. If you want to go exploring, we recommend Wagon Train State Recreational area just 15 minutes away. They even have a beach!
- Don’t cross the fence. Fences keep you and the animals safe. Just because you know our animals from online videos does not mean they know you.
- The silver wire fencing has an electric pulse running through it and will shock you. It hurts but you'll live and probably wish someone else had tried it before you did.
- Stay off of fences, leave doors, gates and buildings closed, and stay out of all animal areas. That is their home and place to feel safe and be free to act how their instincts tell them.

- Do not chase chickens. As prey animals being chased stresses them out. Chicken chasers will be asked to stop or leave. When you are calm the chickens will come right up to see if you have treats and are very fun to interact with!
- Do not pet or pick up chickens.
- Stay away from mama hens with baby chicks. Enjoy their cuteness but stay out of their way. A mama will be protective, and a baby separated from mama is at risk of death. Sounds dramatic, but it’s true.
- Leave the roosters alone as they do their job of protecting. There are only nice roosters at LRF. Our firm belief is that everyone can be kind or leave...even the roosters, but we ask that you respect them too.

- We have 3 large dogs that are very friendly. They will most likely greet you at your car when you arrive. Please know that while they are friendly, they are livestock guardians and should be treated accordingly:
- If you want to pet them: put your palm up and out, do not go over the top of the head.
- Pet backs and bellies only.
- Do not touch dog's faces.
- Do not leave children unattended with the dogs. Some behavior that may be okay with your dog at home is not allowed here (such as climbing on them, touching eyes and noses) and you are the best person to help your child understand that.
- Our livestock guardian dogs are always on alert (yes, even when it looks like they are sleeping).
- Let them work. If they choose to walk away from you let them go. They are independent and take their jobs seriously.
- Do not touch or feed the pigs in the pen. Eating is a competition sport to them and they don't stop to check if its fingers or food.
IMPORTANT: While we are a child friendly place CHILDREN OF ANY AGE MUST BE WITH AN ADULT AT ALL TIMES. According to agritourism laws, we are not liable for any injuries that occur on property due to your or someone else’s negligence.