Hours & Location
Guest Shopping Hours:
Monday & Wednesday
10AM - Noon
Tuesday & Thursday
4PM - 6:30PM
10AM - Noon
10AM - Noon
Our Farmers Market Shop is located at:
577 S 4th Road
Palmyra, NE 68418
This is our home residence and working farm.
All early arrivals must wait on the east side of the road, facing north until the gate is open.
Parking is not allowed on the west side of the road at any time.
We do not allow people on the farm outside of our shopping hours.
Please read the Guest Expectations before you visit the farm, so that you can enjoy your shopping experience & time here.
Our Farmers Market Shop has:
- Fresh Grass Fed Raw A2A2 Milk & Cream
- Little Red Farm Pork
- Little Red Farm Beef
- (All meat is available through a herdshare option only, no retail sales. Click on meat of choice for more info)
- Free Range Chicken & Duck Eggs
- Fresh Herbs & Produce in season
- Local Honey
- Beeswax Candles & Wraps
- Maple Syrup
- Sourdough Starter and accessories
- Homegrown Herbs
- Handmade decor
- Handsewn Toys
- Non- Gmo Popcorn
- Handmade Granola Bars
- Naturally made body care products
- Heirloom Garden Seeds in season
- Hand packed Tea
- LRF Merch
- Homemade Jams & Jellies
- and many wonderful handmade and homegrown items from local small businesses and US small farms
We accept cash and card payments.