Two weeks ago, Kyle made the trip to Minnesota to bring home a new to us milking system that will cut our time doing chores in half! God blessed us with a larger system than we had originally anticipated and believe it's part of his plan.
Currently we're milking 5 cows individually and with our new system, we'll be able to milk 4 cows at once. You will see in the pictures below, we've created a new milking room for this system as well as running a trench for water lines and drain pipes. In this milking room, will be the new bulk tank as well as a washing station.

Busting up concrete to trench in water and drainage is a miserable job. I’m so thankful for my hardworking husband Kyle @mcgrewcompleteconstruction and Andy of @rewhomebuilding for their hard work yesterday and willingness to put up with sore muscles today. One of a hundred steps towards getting the new milking system in. 💪

Even Be is checking out what’s happening in the milking room for the new milking system!

This trench has been filled in but a mound will remain for a while as the dirt settles in. Thanks for being patient as we improve the farm to serve you better!

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