Monthly Organic Garden Planner
Monthly Organic Garden Planner
Monthly Organic Garden Planner
Monthly Organic Garden Planner
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Monthly Organic Garden Planner

Regular price $27.00 $0.00 Unit price per
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This Monthly Organic Garden Planner was written by one of our Farmers Market Shop vendors, Holli of Barli Girl Farm.  

This Monthly Planner Includes:

  • A 12 Month Calendar- Each month shows what to plant and when during the month, what garden tasks you should be doing, and how to keep your garden happy and growing well (based on Zone 5 with map to make adjustments for your area)
  • Work pages to plan your dream garden
  • Recommendations on where to get seeds and helpful garden books
  • A Glossary to help you understand garden terminology
  • A journal to track your progress and look back on when you plan next year
  •  Tips & Tricks from a seasoned gardener
  • Space each month to note your own gardening thoughts

This planner is in depth but still world be helpful for beginners and those who've been gardening for years but like a simple set up to track their plantings & progress each year.

This product is a digital download and physical book copies are offered in our Farmers Market Shop. This digital product is for the personal private use of the buyer only. It may not be shared or redistributed in any way. You are NOT permitted to copy, resell or distribute the digital files purchased here.

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