As the air turns colder and the calendar nears its end, here are a few tools I always make sure to have on hand! Order yours by clicking here!
Inner Defense-

- What: This power house is a gel capsule with Oregano, Thyme, and the original Thieves blend - Lemon, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, & Rosemary (often copied, but never truly duplicated).
- Why: It gives a big boost to your immune system and a swift kick to anything that might be lurking to take it down.
- When: We take this anytime we feel a bit off, have been around people that feel icky, or when we want our immune system to have optimal support (say during travel). We also use this with our animals!
- How: We take 1-4 gel capsules throughout the day when we need it. Fair warning: you might get oregano burps when you take this!
Immupro -

- What: This chewable combines immune-supporting Ningxia wolfberry with a unique blend of mushroom powders to deliver potent antioxidant activity to help reduce oxidative stress from free radicals. Formulated with zinc and selenium for proper immune function, other chelated minerals (which science suggests are more easily absorbed), and melatonin which encourages the body's natural sleep rhythm. For sweetener it has non-GMO dextrose, stevia, and agave.
- Why: ImmuPro is all about immune support and sleep! Sleep is the cornerstone of a healthy body.
- When: We take this to help our sleep rhythm is off from stress and getting run down. Too busy? Too stressed? Too much sugar and feeling it? That’s when we bust this out.
- How: We take 1-2 chewables before bed. I use Rutavala Roll-On on these nights for a double knock out.
Christmas Spirit Oil-

- What: Essential oil blend made of pine, cinnamon & orange oils.
- Why: This smells so lovely and makes that indoor air easier to breath and provides bonus respiratory support.
- When: During times where your windows can’t be opened to air out the house, extra respiratory support may be needed, or just to have your home smell lovely during the holidays.
- How: Use in a diffuser - 6 drops in a small-standard diffuser, 15 drops in the Aria diffuser
Thieves Hard Lozenges -

- What: A typical lozenge without all the junk! No food coloring, artificial flavors or sugar, these are made with stevia and Thieves oil blend.
- Why: A quick, convenient way to get that Thieves blend and can be comforting to dry and itchy throats.
- When: Anytime! On a plane, at work, in school, behind a mask, or in your bed, these are great and last longer than most lozenges.
- How: The package has them each individually wrapped, so drop some in your vehicle console, purse or night stand and use them as needed.
Thieves Mouthwash -

- What: This mouthwash is made with Thieves oil (shake it before you swig), spearmint, vetiver and colloidal silver. It’s sweetened with stevia and is alcohol and fluoride free.
- Why: Not only is this great for fresh breath but when you feel like you’ve been screaming at a rock concert all night, it does a great job of soothing that tight throat.
- When: We use this anytime we need our mouth to feel extra clean or our throat is scratchy and needs some TLC.
- How: Shake first (oils will float to the top as it sits on your counter). Then pour 1-2 tsp. out to gargle. A little goes a long way with this one!
RC Essential Oil Blend -
- What: R.C. essential oil blend combines Cypress, Spruce, and three types of Eucalyptus oils (E. citriodora, E. globulus, and E. radiata). The initials stand for respiratory care!
- Why: Easy breathing when the going gets tough or the cold weather grips your lungs.
- When: Any time you find yourself mouth breathing or hacking up lung cookies. (That’s what we call them. You’re welcome.)
- How: This oil can be used by rubbing it on your chest, (mix with a little coconut, olive or avocado oil if you have sensitive skin) or feet. You can also use this in your diffuser just like the Christmas Spirit oil!
When you use this link you will get 24% off (product total drops to $131.50 at check out), free shipping, support our farm, get personal support from me and 6 proactive ways to support your health through the winter months. Tap to order: